If you are a victim of Bitcoin fraud regarding investment in the „da vinci investment club“, we are able to help you in enforcing your claims.
According to the information received there is already a criminal proceeding pending with the Austrian law enforcement authorities (34 St 30/19f).
We are offering the following package for a lump sum of € 300,–
Our offer:
- Continued correspondence after the initial contact;
- Announcement of the power of attorney at court
- Filing your claim in the criminal proceedings as a connection in criminal proceedings (“Privatbeteiligtenanschluss”) in order to prevent court costs;
- Continued monitoring of the criminal case by the means of repeated applications for access to the file;
- Reports on the progress of the investigation
Requirements for claim processing:
For this purpose, please return with the subject “BITCOIN FRAUD”
- the attached German power of attorney via e-mail (.pdf copy is sufficient; attached you will also find a summarized English translation)
- the transfer confirmation of € 300,–
- Further please send us all information relating to your investment
- Contractual documents
- Bank statements relating to payments made and received and
- Marketing material.
Please note that the mandate will be only confirmed after a conflict check and the receipt of the lump sum payment into the account of our firm.
For this purpose, please make the payment of € 300.– to
Neumayer, Walter & Haslinger Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaft,AT21 6000 0000 0184 1512, BIC: BAWAATWW
citing “BITCOIN FRAUD + _________ your full name” as a reference for payment.
In case of proceeding suspensions, we offer the option of filing an appeal for which additional cost will be incurred and of which you will be made aware of beforehand.
Please note: Parallel to the option of filing your claim in the criminal proceedings as a connection in criminal proceedings there is also the possibility of bringing civil action against the involved prepetrators and other possible parties that are liable for your occurred damage. Additionally, our law firm aims to receive financial coverage from clients´ insurances to cover process costs. If your case is deemed suitable for civil action, we will contact you to inform you about the necessary steps and costs.
Should you have any questions, please contact us.
We are looking forward to working with you!