The Neumayer & Walter Law Partnership was founded in 1997 by MMag. Dr. Johannes Neumayer, who has been working as lawyer in Vienna since 1987, and Mag. Ulrich Walter who had been working as a trainee lawyer in the same law firm since 1993.

These three free-thinkers are united by their passion for handling challenging legal issues and their desire to offer the best solutions for their clients.

This partnership of experts, specialised in different areas of commercial law, allows the Neumayer & Walter team to offer professional legal services in a wide variety of fields of expertise.

Absolute dedication along with personal commitment to the clients has smoothed the way to success and allowed the team to grow, both in legal expertise and as a successful enterprise. In this fashion, the legal firm forms a competent and dynamic team, well prepared for the rapid economical growth and the challenges that the future may bring.

Offering high quality legal support to clients is of prime importance to Neumayer & Walter. To achieve this goal, the firm has access to a comprehensive legal research library, augmented by modern computer resources, and to a carefully selected network of external consultants and supporting tax experts.

The main aim of our actions is to further develop our skills and expertise, to ensure that clients receive the best support possible from partner firms, and to always give our clients the clearest picture of their file, while maintaining a transparent policy on settlements.

That is what Neumayer & Walter stands for.